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What is a VPS?

A virtual private server (VPS) uses virtualization technologies to divide a single physical server into multiple separate (virtual) servers. Each virtual server functions as if it is a single machine, used by a single user i.e. is private to you.

What's the difference between a VPS, a Shared server, and a Dedicated Server?

A VPS is a segmented physical server, with each segment operating as if it is a single machine with it's own separate memory, disk and resources, but is in reality utilising those of the parent

A shared server, on the other hand, is a single physical server that has not been segmented and all of its resources are shared by all of it users, with no separation.

A dedicated server is a single physical server, whose memory, disk and other resources are used by a single user.

In terms of cost, shared servers are the least expensive, followed by VPS's, and then the most expensive is a dedicated server.

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Article ID: 3
Category: Glossary of Terms
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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